Thursday, February 18, 2010

Why Beer?

If you see the title of this blog, you may be wondering, why beer? And more so, why beer and movies? Well to tell the truth, I intended to write about beer and all things involving entertainment that I come across that is worth talking about. (i.e.- music, video games, books etc.) But why not wine you say? Well, in my opinion, beer is just as complex, if not more complex, with as many, or more varieties than wine. Plus, beer is much less pretentious and i think it's more fun in general. When's the last time you had a wine with a name like Arrogant Bastard? (great beer by the way)
Beer is something I enjoy drinking, movies are something I love watching, music is my life... and I have hundreds of thousands of opinions on all these subjects. Yes I'm an amateur, however, my tastes are diverse in each subject, and I branch out and try new things more so than the average human. I wanted a way to tell a broader audience my suggestions and my opinions. If you like it and find it entertaining great! Maybe you'll even find a new favorite drink, movie or band. If you don't like it, well then keep your mouth shut! HA! No I encourage all types of critiques and compliments. Just don't be a douche just to be a douche. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Heehee, good luck with the blog I'll try to keep up with it :) This is Lisa by the way, if you couldn't already tell.
