Wednesday, April 7, 2010


If you've seen any of Noah Baumbach's previous movies(Margot at the Wedding, The Squid and the Whale), you know he tends to write very realistic characters in very familiar territory for viewers. This can sometimes be uncomfortable to watch on screen and sometimes uncomfortable to face with others. Baumbach deals, generally, with the real parts of the human experience that make us who we are and give us character. Greenberg is no different. Ben Stiller in the lead role as (the main) Greenberg is generally unlikable. He's rude, self centered and just doesn't seem like a good person. However, this doesn't detract from the interest the viewer has in the movie. As Greta Gerwig's character says in the movie, there's just something about him that you like. This is possibly because Ben Stiller usually plays a likable guy in his movies. Towards the end of the movie more of his character is revealed, and you start to see things from his perspective. But he's still a jerk, you just now know why, and you can't really blame him, however, you don't have to like him. That being said, this movie is one that will stay with you after you leave the theater. It can make you look at the faults you have and confront some of your own demons. And to me, anytime a movie can make you do that, they've done their job as filmmakers. Whether the reaction is pleased, or disgusted, if an emotion is evoked, it was a success. I'd definitely go see this if you have the chance.

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