Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tim Kasher "The Game of Monogamy"

Tim Kasher is best known for his work in the prog/art punk band Cursive, and also some work in band called The Good Life. With "The Game of Monogamy" Kasher melds these two worlds together. The music sounds more like The Good Life than it does Cursive, but its not nearly as down tempo as most of what I've heard from The Good Life. Lyrically, Kasher is as bleak as ever, and that is most definitely when he's at his best. This album chronicles his life from the start of his "grown up" life through the beginnings of a new relationship, to the monotony of marriage, and the disillusionment of where his life has ended up. "Now all we wrestle with is indifference, 'til we both give in, did we both give in? I thought love was supposed to spill from our hearts." This line, for me summarizes the entire album, its Kasher with an image in his mind of the perfect life, and learning to deal with the fact that that never happens. Tim Kasher hasn't been more personal or more searingly honest than he is on this album. "Writers are selfish, writers are egotists. I'm afraid i'm as bad as it gets. I keep forgetting to censor the truth." Kasher declares in the beautiful "Strays". Musically this album is quite lovely, but once you start paying attention to the lyrics, you'll need a strong will to make it all the way through. This is a wonderful record, however, i think for some people the subject matter may be a bit heavy for repeated listens. But if you can make it through a few times, you'll find yourself falling in love, which if you pay attention to the lyrics of this album, is hard to come by.

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