Sunday, June 6, 2010

Chuck Ragan "Feast or Famine"

Chuck Ragan is best known as the raspy voiced singer of a band called Hot Water Music, who are named after a book by Charles Bukowski. Ragan's solo music is not nearly as aggressive, or influenced by punk music much in general. Feast or Famine sounds more like an American singing old Irish folk songs, with a little protest music thrown in for good measure. The songs are all very well written, and they feel familiar, yet fresh and new at the same time. Thats a fine line to walk upon, but Ragan does it with what seems like such ease, you can't help but feel like you're in the presence of music thats destined to be a classic one day. Ragan is by no means a household name, but if you take the time to give it a chance, you may find yourself falling in love with one of the most overlooked and under appreciated musicians alive today. Key tracks "California Burritos", "Symmetry", "the Boat"

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