Thursday, June 10, 2010

Shiner Hefeweizen

I've yet to try everything Shiner has to offer, but recently i decided to make an effort to try everything they had available. Since i'm in Texas and Shiner comes from Texas, its pretty readily available. They make some of the most pleasant every day beers around in my opinion. None of them are mind blowing in a good or bad way, but most are decent and easy to drink. Their contribution to the Hefeweizen style is no different. This beer initially has a stronger flavor than most beers shiner produces, which is a welcome change. This flavor becomes less pronounced as you drink however. The beer is brewed with citrus, i.e. orange and lemon. The citrus is not very evident on its own, but add a wedge of lemon or orange and they become quite a bit more pronounced. Hefeweizen beers contain a good deal more yeast than most other beers, which tends to settle at the bottom of the bottle. This requires a certain pouring technique which some people may overlook. You should pour about half of the beer in a glass, swirl the other half in the bottle a few times to disturb the yeast and then pour the rest into the glass. This makes sure you don't end up with sediment in your beer and also ensures all the flavors are present. Shiner Hefeweizen is a great beer to drink on a warm summer day. Its refreshing and not too heavy. The flavors don't linger very long, but the flavor you get with each sip is pretty good.

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